College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences

University of Detroit Mercy’s College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences (CHASS) is dedicated to the transformative power of the liberal arts, a hallmark of the Jesuit Mercy tradition. This College, the original college for the University established in 1877, upholds this tradition and shapes future generations of thinkers, leaders and visionaries who reach beyond the known to the unknown for the magis, the more. CHASS faculty inspire students to understand the rich diversity of human thought and life with a critical eye that empowers them to see how to innovate and create a better tomorrow where social justice flourishes.

Moving between ideas and action, students learn through experience that translates into professional readiness and career advancement. Students participate in field research, practicums, clinicals and internships with local and regional partners. They engage with the city of Detroit through collaborative partnerships and participation in the arts and culture whether at the Detroit Institute of the Arts or the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. CHASS faculty guide students through academically rigorous courses and engage them in career-changing research, conference presentations and publications while building relationships with them that last a lifetime. The College’s practice of radical hospitality cultivates an inclusive community of belonging at CHASS. Students thrive in programs that feature small class sizes and research opportunities in which faculty curate learning experiences designed to challenge and inspire.

The College views its diversity as its strength. We offer more than 20 programs and certificates at the graduate level designed to advance our students’ knowledge and expertise in their field of study. Our integrated approach to learning draws on the humanities, arts and social sciences to showcase the peoples, places and ideas making up our world, which empowers students to think in complex ways by locating specific issues and problems within a broader global scope. Students develop the enduring and adaptable skills of critical analysis and communication to give them the flexibility to meet the demands of their fields and a rapidly changing labor market. 

Our graduates emerge as creative and critical thinkers, strong communicators and team collaborators. They become innovative leaders emboldened with the compassion and capacity not only to meet the world where it is, but to transform it.

Vision Statement

A College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences education will illuminate and ignite engagement with the diverse experiences of shared humanity.  We will foster communities of belonging so that people learn thrive and discover who they are and who they are called to be to build more just, equitable and inclusive societies.

Mission Statement

Drawing on the traditions of the liberal arts and our Mercy and Jesuit founders, the College of Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences ignites a passion for learning that crosses disciplines and continents and engages diverse perspectives to inspire ways of knowing that transform understandings of our past, present, and future; inspires a drive to translate creativity and critical thinking into actionable strategies and community engagement that connect the pursuit of learning and the pursuit of justice; and fosters a synergy between career and life success so all may thrive in and care for an ever-changing world.

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    College Contact Information

    Jocelyn M. Boryczka, Ph.D.

    Briggs Building, Room 120
    McNichols Campus
    Phone: 313-993-3250
    FAX: 313-993-1266

    Gregory Grobis, M.F.A.
    Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education

    Briggs Building, Room 116
    McNichols Campus
    Phone: 313-993-1464
    FAX: 313-993-1266

    Steven Huprich, Ph.D.
    Associate Dean for Graduate Education

    Briggs Building, Room 124
    McNichols Campus
    Phone: 313-993-1440
    FAX: 313-993-1266

    College Office

    College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
    Briggs Building, Room 108
    University of Detroit Mercy
    4001 W. McNichols Road
    Detroit, MI 48221

    Phone: 313-993-1287
    FAX: 313-993-1166

    College Office

    College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
    Briggs Building, Room 108
    University of Detroit Mercy
    4001 W. McNichols Road
    Detroit, MI 48221-3038

    Phone: 313-993-1287
    FAX: 313-993-1166

Academic and College Policies

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    Academic Integrity

    As members of an academic community engaged in the pursuit of truth and with a special concern for values, students must conform to a high standard of honesty and integrity in their academic work. Instances where academic misconduct occur include, but are not limited to, falsification or misrepresentation of material used in the admission process, presenting the work of others as one's own, theft, plagiarism and cheating. These actions pose a threat to the academic integrity of the University and its mission and will be treated accordingly. Academic misconduct is subject to disciplinary sanctions. These sanctions include, but are not limited to, reprimand, probation, suspension and dismissal. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the specific protocols of this College. Click here for the College's Academic Integrity policy.

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    Academic Standards

    Students should regularly monitor their student records in the Self-Service portion in My Portal. The academic deans monitor the records of students enrolled to assure that reasonable progress is being made toward students’ educational objectives. Student records are reviewed at the end of each semester. Based upon this review and regardless of formal notice, the dean may note that the student is in good standing, place the student on academic probation, give the student an academic warning or dismiss the student from the College for poor scholarship. Academic standings are noted on the students’ official academic records and in the Self-Service portion in My Portal.

    Academic Warning
    Graduate students will be warned whenever the semester GPA falls below 3.00. Such warning enables students to take early corrective action concerning their academic performance.

    Academic Probation
    Students are placed on academic probation when it appears that their performance places their academic objectives in jeopardy. Graduate students will be automatically placed on academic probation when the cumulative GPA falls below 3.00. Individual programs may establish additional criteria for placing a student on probation.

    When a student has been placed on academic probation, the dean may, at his/her discretion, establish specific requirements or conditions that the student must meet. The dean may require the student to enroll in particular courses, repeat courses, establish minimum or maximum number of credit hours to be attempted or earned, require a specific minimum GPA for the next term, require the student to consult a counselor or tutor, or engage in supervised study, etc. Failure to meet such conditions, when established, may lead to academic dismissal.

    Academic Dismissal
    Students may be dismissed from the College and University as a result of poor academic performance. Graduate students are automatically subject to dismissal the second consecutive term that their cumulative average falls below 3.00. Dismissal may occur when a graduate student has not achieved a 3.00 cumulative quality point average in the term following one in which the student was placed on probation, when terms or conditions established for probation have not been met, or when the academic record reflects poor performance. Dismissal of a student may also occur from a recommendation of the program director based on additional performance concerns and/or progress in the program.

    Students who wish to appeal an academic dismissal should contact the Dean’s Office immediately upon their receipt of notice that they have been dismissed. If first contact is made by telephone or in person, it should be immediately followed by a written statement of their intent to appeal the dismissal.

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    Directed Studies

    A directed study is intended to provide a student the opportunity to conduct an in-depth examination of a topic that is not typically offered in a traditional course. A directed study is not intended to duplicate or act as a substitute for a required course. A directed study course should demand a substantial project which is equivalent to an upper division course in the department. The details of the work must be specified in a directed studies contract. There are several limitations and requirements for directed studies courses. Graduate students please contact your advisor or the Dean’s Office. Click here for the directed studies application.

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    Grade Grievances

    In some instances a student may believe that the final grade received in a particular course is unjustified. In such cases the student may choose to appeal the grade received. Each college or school has published written grievance procedures that must be followed. In general, students are advised to consult with the instructor concerned prior to beginning the appeals process. All appeals should be filed in a timely manner, within 30 days after the final grade is issued.

    The process includes moving the grievance through various stages including through the instructor, chairperson, a college committee composed of faculty and students, and then the dean. Click here for a copy the Academic Policy, Procedure, and Petition. The decision of the dean is final. All grade appeals must be finalized before a degree can be conferred. Appeals to the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs will be considered only on procedural grounds.

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    Graduation and Commencement

    Application for Graduation

    An “Application for Graduation” should be filed early in the academic year in which the student intends to graduate. Candidates for degrees must complete their application in the Self-Service portion in My Portal. Application deadlines are set by the University. Be sure to follow all necessary steps and additional deadlines outlined by the Registrar such as RSVPs, caps and gowns, etc. Applications received after the deadline or failure to RSVP by the deadline may result in denial to participate in the commencement ceremony and/or delay in the date of graduation.


    The Commencement ceremony occurs once a year in May. Students must apply for graduation to be considered eligible for Commencement. Students who have completed their degree requirements at any point in the preceding academic year are invited to participate. June and August graduates may be permitted to participate in the May Commencement exercises with permission of the Dean’s Office as long as they are enrolled in all of the courses to complete their degree by August. Participation in Commencement will be denied to students who have more than 12 credit hours remaining. Applications received after the deadline or failure to RSVP by the deadline may result in denial to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Commencement is ceremonial; participation in Commencement exercises does not assure that all requirements have been met or that a degree has been or will be granted.

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    Residence requirement for a master's program requiring 30 credits:
    a minimum of the last 21 semester hours of credit must be completed at University of Detroit Mercy.

    The residence requirement for a master's program requiring more than 30 credits:
    a minimum of the last 24 semester hours of credit must be completed at University of Detroit Mercy.

    The residence requirement for a doctoral degree, specialist program or graduate certificate:
    at least two-thirds of the last required credits must be completed at University of Detroit Mercy;
    the doctoral degree requires a minimum of one uninterrupted year of full-time attendance.

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    Time Limits

    The maximum time permitted for completion of a graduate degree is seven years from the time of admission. Some colleges may impose more restrictive time limitations than seven years. Students who need an extension may apply to the dean of the appropriate college before the seven-year limit has ended.

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    Transfer Credits

    Students may transfer up to nine credits for a 30- to 35-credit-hour master's degree program and up to 12 credits for a master's degree program greater than or equal to 36 credit hours. If the number of required credits differ, the transfer limit is of the lesser-credit program. Courses only transfer if taken for graduate credit with a grade earned of B (3.0) or higher. The approval of the department chairperson / program director is also required. Other restrictions may apply.

    Students may not earn more than 12 graduate credits toward a master's degree before formal acceptance into the program.

    The maximum number of credits a graduate student can register for is 12 credits per semester. Some programs may request an allowance up to 15 credits per semester.

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    Thesis and Non-Thesis Program Requirements

    Thesis Requirements - Plan A

    Master’s candidates in programs requiring a thesis and candidates in other programs who elect to write a thesis, as well as all doctoral candidates, must present a thesis or dissertation approved by their advisor and program director on some phase of their field of specialization. The thesis or dissertation must be written and typed according to the prescribed format, available in each college Dean’s Office, and be in accord with the other regulations of the University.

    The thesis or dissertation topic must be filed with the dean no later than the date determined by the specific program.

    All research that involves human subjects must be submitted to the Institutional Review Board before research can begin. Information about regulations governing research involving human subjects may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs, Room 500, Fisher Administrative Center.

    The thesis or dissertation must be completed, in accordance with all regulations, not later than two years after course requirements have been fulfilled. Master’s theses must be filed in duplicate and dissertations in triplicate with the McNichols Library, Technical Services not later than the date determined by the specific program. Note that some programs require shorter time limits.

    Non-Thesis Master’s Program - Plan B

    Several departments offer degree candidates an option to receive a master’s degree without requiring a thesis. See individual department listings for details. In all circumstances, the Plan B papers must be filed with the department and college within one year after course requirements have been fulfilled.

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    Capstone Projects

    Several departments offer degree candidates a capstone project as an option to receive a master’s degree without requiring a thesis. See individual department listings for details. In all circumstances, the capstone projects must be filed with the department and college within one year after the capstone course was completed.

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    Comprehensive Examination

    The nature of the comprehensive examination is determined by each department where such examination is required. A candidate who fails the required comprehensive examination may repeat it once only at the next date determined by the college/school. Failure to pass the repeat comprehensive examination will result in the student’s termination from the academic program.